

是道地的Kopi香浓,还是用蒸汽泡来的Coffee 好喝?本地的咖啡虽然没有高温蒸汽,特殊的抄豆手法,反而有其独特的风味。蒸汽咖啡是用纯咖啡豆来泡,再加上不同的调味来伴出咖啡的真味。




Kopitiam Every Where

Do you ever go to a kopitiam? Sure you been there since a kid, mostly people will say. Kopitiam have been a while in Malaysia. It have been most frequents people enjoy their time.

Kopitiam is actually a small restaurant, that sell simple Chinese style food and drinks. Traditional style of kopitiam is small and pack, mainly locate near to resident area or market.

Nowaday, new wave of culture have come, New Style of Modern Kopitiam appear everywhere main in shopping central and bussiness area. The kopitiam have tranform to a new modern fashing coffee shop (like Starbuck, Coffee Bean), more hygienic, faster and better services.

I open a new blog here, want to bring out some of my experience on kopitiam, mainly to tell the mistake that a generally a Kopitiamer or new investor made. To share, to comment, to improve. Hope no one get piss, cause I will tell the truth!!